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Ends And Odds And Fleeting Moments. Vivienne Roberts Projects
The Bindery 53 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8HN 11th Feb-9th March 2025
Opening Saturday 15th Feb 2025
The ends and odds in the title of this exhibition refer to materials - scraps and fragments
that have fallen into disuse, remnants of a past life, abandoned as something new takes
their place. It speaks to impermanence, transience, and transformation, but not in a sense
of renewal. Rather, it reflects the fleeting nature of time, where the discarded is
acknowledged, but not reclaimed.
The ends and odds in the title of this exhibition refer to materials - scraps and fragments
that have fallen into disuse, remnants of a past life, abandoned as something new takes
their place. It speaks to impermanence, transience, and transformation, but not in a sense
of renewal. Rather, it reflects the fleeting nature of time, where the discarded is
acknowledged, but not reclaimed.

A Bird Went In Search Of A Cage. Vivienne Roberts Projects
Online 22nd Nov 2024-30th Jan 2025
Vivienne Roberts Projects
The Bindery 53 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8HN
Vivienne Roberts Projects
The Bindery 53 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8HN
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